EXCLUSIVE ACCESS MEMBERS ONLY Flash Sale 40% off then another 20% off with Premium Access and another 20% off with my code CUTIE
MAKER IS only $249! PLUS, keep reading to check out the info on the Trade-Up program! LIVE AT 11:30AM ET TO TALK ABOUT SALE! IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, BE SURE TO WATCH!
Watch and chat here - https://youtu.be/_EZwdWZU3iE
-USA shop here - http://shrsl.com/35i3c
-Canada shop here - http://shrsl.com/35118
Using these links supports this page - Thank you!
Not an Access member yet? Get Access here - http://shrsl.com/2k9v2 Canadian Access link - http://shrsl.com/2k9zx THE DISCOUNTS ARE TAKEN OFF AT CHECKOUT. To use my code you must have $50 in your cart and it does not work on anything that plugs in.
LOWEST PRICE on the NEW Cricut Maker 3 and Explore 3 & Bundles!
If you've been wanting a Cricut Maker 3 or Explore 3, now is the time!
Premium Access members now save an extra 20% off the NEW MAKER 3 and EXPLORE 3 Cricut machines! With the code: TRADEUP using the links below help support my channel! You don’t actually send in a machine, you get to continue using all your machines or sell, give to a friend or use both.
I have a breakdown of prices at the bottom, so keep reading!
Order yours now:
USA Maker 3 - http://shrsl.com/30gfy
Canada Maker 3 - http://shrsl.com/30gfx
USA Explore 3 - http://shrsl.com/30gga
Canada Explore 3 - http://shrsl.com/30gg6
Check Cricut's blog post for more info - http://shrsl.com/34gbn
Don't have Access yet? Get premium Access here - http://shrsl.com/2k9v2 Canadian Access link - http://shrsl.com/2k9zx Premium Access members get 20% off materials that stacks with sales and my discount code, CUTIE Prices with discount: Maker 3 $287 Maker 3 + Everything Bundle $359 Maker 3 + Essentials Bundle $331 Explore 3 $215 Explore 3 + Everything Bundle $287 Explore 3 + Essentials Bundle $259
Cricut Maker on the Cricut website is $349. Melody says $249?. Why?