"I Can Make That"
Are you like most crafters? Do you find yourself saying, "I can make that" when you see a Pinterest Pin? I thought so. I'll be showing you how to design your own Pinterest Inspired projects in design space so you can create them with your Cricut! I'll also be announcing the winners of my Paper Bundle giveaways! Be sure to watch to see if you're one of the winners! Class starts at 11am ET and is free and open for everyone to join in! Watch and chat here - https://youtu.be/IKT3eIGs1hg
I've got a new perk for my supporter community! I have a Bonus Video on Saturday! Everyone is welcome to watch, but my supporters get to be the only ones who are able to live chat during the video! The video starts at 12:30pm ET. If you're a supporter, get the info here: Patreon - https://bit.ly/3c0TSUT Youtube - https://bit.ly/3iB5fUB
EVERYONE can watch the video here - https://youtu.be/tkuglikdKL8 If you'd like to join the supporter community, here's some links to check out: Patreon - patreon.com/melodylane Youtube - http://bit.ly/3iHbyX2