Save up to $1,000 during the Black Friday deals from CreateRoom. I'm going live on Friday at 12:30pm ET to give sale details and answer your questions about the DreamBox. The sale goes live at 1pm ET and the first 100 people who order their DreamBox get a free gift!
Watch and chat here -
Canada -
Save $300 on your DreamBox
And then get access to these savings:
Save $100 on the crown w/light
Save $100 on each: Side Tables, DreamCart, Sew Station
10% off Accessories with the purchase of a DreamBox
Save $200 on the pre-built feature (recommended)
Already own a DreamBox? Check out these discounts:
20% off accessories (including side tables)
$75 off Sew Station / DreamCart
Hi Melody, first thing this morning I was thinking of the DreamBox and Dreaming and then you postThis is An Amazing Deal! Haven’t been around you know my Mama 89 years old been ill for 8 months end stage of heart disease passed away last Wednesday. Guess is Mama way of saying Buy It! 🤩🙏💞