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March Virtual Crop!

Hi everyone!

It's time for our monthly Virtual Crop! It's this Tuesday, the 23rd at 8pm ET!

Monthly Virtual Crops are a perk for Patreon supporters of $5 or more. My supporters and I create the same project during the Crop, but people are welcome to create whatever they'd like.

We meet virtually via Zoom, Brady Bunch style. This is a great way to feel like we're all crafting together even though we're in different parts of the country, even the world.

Patreon supporters of $5+ can get the Zoom link on this post -

If you're not a supporter yet and want more information about all the perks, here's a link -


We're making Pop Up Birthday Cards! You may recognize this style of card from last Thursday's Easter card. Here's a link to the video if you missed it -

It was just so fun I figured it would be great for our Crop! And what better than a Birthday Card? I mean, we all know someone with a Birthday! ;)

I'm only sharing the file with supporters of $5+ for now and then I'll be adding it to the Supporter Projects tab of this site once I teach the tutorial live on YouTube. That way all supporters can have access to it.



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